Friday, September 18, 2009

my environment

(so if you want read this latest post, read from the bottom up...I'll get the next one right, I promise)
Mary went to Cal Poly at the same time I did.
This is the nearby town of Catacamas.
Again from the top.

At the top of the 1,000 steps with Toni (my roommate, Nicole, Beth and me).

Christianity has rooted deeply here.

Ready to climb the 1,000 steps in the nearby town of Catacamas.

The surroundings of our hometown, Juti is green and beautiful.

Some side roads in Juticalpa.

The cathedral....every city has one.

Shops with all their goods displayed are everywhere.

The streets are busy all day. Make sure to look both ways before crossing.

The street outside our house.

Mi casa.

Upstairs where we do laundry and have our bathroom (we just bought a washing machine too, while everyone else does there laundry on that stone square called a "pilla")

The living room.

Our humble dining area.

La cocina.

Simple living.

But then there's home-sweet-home.

School starts at 7:00 and after a long, hot day, you're exhausted.

This is the bus we take to school every day.

Bees invaded the classroom...teaching was interesting (and yes that custodian is holding a machete)

My classroom up and running.

The first two weeks of school have come and gone. The students, teachers and I are getting settled into the system and realizing what needs to be done to make the year run smoothly. Toni, my roommate, and I are getting used to living with each looks like it will work out fine. We are also getting settled into our house. We have made some major improvements by cleaning and investing in a washin machine which should make life much easier. The weather is always hot here and you always seem to feel dirty...luckily we have running water.