Hey Ya'll,
As you can guess from the title I just discovered with certainty I have dengue fever. I am in a state of amazement because I thought dengue was always this foreign disease that only the unlucky traveler gets. Well, call me unluckily, but at least I can call myself Dengue Dan, lol. You might say, "Dan, you sound to chipper to have dengue." Well I am just getting over it and so now I can laugh about it, although there isn't really anything funny about it besides this picture and blog title.
Saturday morning, while tutoring some students, I started feeling general flu symptoms: body aches and some light-headedness. I took it easy the rest of the weekend. Monday through Wednesday saw me dragging myself to school each day, which in retrospect I probably should have just staying home. Symptoms included more light-headedness, body pain, fever and feeling exhausted. I was thinking last night that if I wasn't feeling better in the morning I would have to stay home today, but when I woke up everything was good except this irritating rash on my arms. So I went to school and now the rash actually worse (I am itching like crazy), but all the other symptoms are gone.
I thought that my previous symptoms were somewhat general and so I didn't pursue investigating what I might have, but when I got this rash I decided to check it out and the my symptoms fit the bill perfectly. Luckily it said that the rash is the last part of being sick. So I feel like I have really lived....or really itched...either one. Also, I found out I am not that special beause a lot of people are getting it now that it is the rainy season.
Stay well and wear DEET.