Sunday, November 21, 2010

back on track

Hola a Todos,

After a longer than expected absence, I am back to give the lastest from the front lines of the bilingual classrooms of Juticalpa, Honduras. Sadly I must keep this short because I have to prepare for tomorrow.

So what has happened since we last talked???

Well, we had a spiritual retreat with students, faculty and some guest speakers.

Although most of the time the students just wanted to play soccer instead of sit through "charlas" (talks), some got into it and got some big things off their chests. Here are some happy 8th graders.

We got a new science teacher who is spicing things up.

We had our first junior high dance.

And we volunteers had a Halloween party.

Here are most of this years volunteers.

The kids really get into actividades class (like arts and crafts class).

Everyday there is something new to experience. He are the 7th grade girls spontaneously breaking out into dance after finishing their math final during exam week.

We had a junior high soccer tournament.

Some of us voluteers went to visit Mario's farm in San Francisco last Sunday,

and then catch the local soccer game.

We were invited to a student's country property, Alex, yesterday. It was his little brother's birthday part.

We ordenamos una vaca (milked a cow),

rode some horses,

and hung out with the birthday boy.
Well, this is where I sign out. I will be back in California in less than 4 weeks, which I am looking forward to very much, but there is much to do between now and then.
Cuidense hasta la proxima vez.
(take care until the next time)

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